Questions You Ask Yourself

So, you want to shout at the top of your lungs, want to tell the otherwise seemingly happy universe what’s wrong with you? Why is your heart breaking into uncountable pieces? Why is the world crashing around you? Why for you from this moment on the world will never be the same again? Why were you not able to hold on? Why were you not able to speak out? What was holding you back from telling just that one person how you feel? How after all the barriers and fences you had put in place, just that one soul was able to break through only with those eyes without doing much?

Probably because you were the desert thirsty for just a drop of water even if it was poison for your already burdened soul. Or maybe because despite all your inhibitions, the heart leapt and decided to try the luck. To see how it goes. To see if the universe indeed conspires in favour of a stubborn soul. But for all of that to happen you have to hang in there and be consistent in the leap of faith already taken by your stubborn yet gorgeous heart & soul. And maybe, when the timing is right everything will click and all of this will start to make perfect sense. And you will realize why did they have to break through all the barriers you had so carefully put in place to guard your imperfect soul. Just so that you may absorb their imperfections and they take all of yours in a stride. May it only be for the time being, may it not be forever. But for that small period in time, it was happening, it gave you perspective, sanity, solid ground to stand on, a sounding board and many other things that help you become a better version of yourself.

Time as we know it is nothing but an illusion so when the timing is right according to the Almighty’s plan, everything will fall in its place and will make sense. So, till then hang on, hold on, stay there, love unconditionally, pray, pray, pray and keep the faith strong!

Fun Fact: I originally left this piece “Untitled” and thought about the given title when uploading.

Tooba Tanveer